- Do you consider yourself an employer of choice? If not... why not? 
- Would you like support to define the roles in your business so you can fill them with the right people?
- Do you want to know the secrets to recruitment? Where and how to advertise?
- Are you confident you could pass an audit with the Fair Work Ombudsman?
- Would you like a "new employee kit" and HR handbook for your business?
- Would you like tools and tips to manage team performance and optimise efficiency and effectiveness?
- Want a structured, supported, straightforward approach to managing your HR?
If any of these questions sparked your interest, 
keep reading... we have the solution for you!
Introducing House Paddock Training and Consulting's
A practical HR System 
without the overwhelm.
A note from House Paddock Director, Bec Fing
What others say about working with
House Paddock Consulting and Training
Simon, Dalby
"Bec gets people and she gets farming. This is not that common these days! And it means she cuts the BS and focuses on the important stuff"
El, Temora
"Bec helped us get our HR system in order. It went from very basic to very impressive. But still useable and doable"
Kate, Dubbo
"Bec knows if you dont get HR right, you won't have a team. And she knows how to get it right."
The program contains 3 straight forward modules
  • Workforce Planning and Compliance
  • Recruitment, induction and onboarding
  • Workplace culture and performance management
How is it delivered?
6 weeks of guided support to put a compliant HR system in place in your farming business – from start to finish. This will include recordings, coaching, tools and templates - the lot!
By the end of the program you would have explored and implemented the following:
- Workforce planning - the needs of your business and what roles will meet those needs
- Recruitment - the secrets of when, where and how to find your team
- Induction and onboarding - how to introduce someone new into your business so they want to stay!
- Compliance - meeting your legal obligations when employing and managing staff
- Workplace culture - how do you truly establish yourself as an employer of choice
- Managing performance - getting the best out of your team and what to do when it goes sour!
Informative recordings to watch at any time, anywhere!
Content is provided in bite sized recordings to provide details and knowledge to get the job done.
They explain what is required to put a practical HR system in place and change business culture.
These recordings are suitable to watch in your own time and wherever you please.

The recorded topics include:

- What are your staffing needs

- the key to effectiveness recruitment

- induction and onboarding

- Getting the legal stuff right - who has to do what and to what extent?

- Getting the team on board – developing an excellent workplace 

Recorded Q&A sessions
3 x recorded webinar sessions  for your to watch later at your leisure.

This opportunity allows us to provide examples and context, clear up and confusion and also provides a collaborative approach to tackling the HR hurdles.

These sessions will also be a good opportunity to check in with other participants and gauge your progress.

There will also be a LIVE Q&A session run in July 2023 for the HR Bootcamp - we will communicate details with those in the program!
One-on-One support available
For 6 weeks after you sign up, participants can receive additional one-on-one coaching and support.

This includes up to 4 x 30 minute telephone or zoom sessions and email support. 
Templates Galore
House Paddock has spent over 15 years fine-tuning templates and resources for HR.

We are confident we have curated a collection of templates that are practical, usable and sufficient.

They have been review by the regulators and possibly the highlight of this program.

Save yourself hours of time searching with our fully editable templates provided for you to tailor to your business.

You do not have to start from scratch, we have done most of the work for you!
What the program DOES include
At the end of the program you will have the following processes in place;
- A HR handbook - policies and procedures to provide instruction and guidance to staff
- A workforce plan - an outline of what roles exist in your business, what gaps need to be filled and the best way to fill them plus a detailed organisational chart with clear lines of reporting
- A recruitment process - Ads, interview questions, shortlisting guidelines, letter of offer
- A new employee pack - all the paperwork you need in one spot to start a new employee - personal details from, payroll info, checklist of paperwork to collect and paperwork to provide, position descriptions
- Induction and onboarding kit - induction checklists, a HR handbook including relevant policies and procedures, code of conduct
- Team boosting and performance management tools - tips and tricks to manage good, bad and ugly of performance including performance review templates, monthly meeting agendas and tools to support separating (yep... sacking!) from the business
What the program DOESN'T  include
Our HR Bootcamp aims to provide the tools to ensure you are an employer of choice.
While we will provide industry links to employment contracts and wage rate calculators, we will not review these on your behalf, nor provide advice on whether they are legally compliant or correct.
We encourage you to seek legal advice in the development of Employment Contracts and advice from your accountant regarding rates of pay. We can provide recommendations of our go-to advisors in these area.
What is the investment?
The HR Bootcamp is $2970 including gst.
 What you get 
- 15 years of experience in one easy to follow program
- 3 modules loaded with templates, links, tools, content and tips
- 6 weeks guided support
- One-on-one coaching calls
- Recorded Q & A sessions
Who it is for?
The Staff Management (HR) Bootcamp is for anyone in Agriculture who wants to implement a compliant HR program in their business.

It requires the participants to have a desire to complete and initiate a HR program within their business with the full support of the House Paddock team.

Our program is for businesses who want tools, tips and tricks to change the business culture and improve staff management.

It is designed for farming businesses of any size, who are interested in getting on top of their HR and putting a compliant system in place.

It is for businesses who want to make a change but don't know where to start.

It is for businesses who are willing to do the work, but want some support.
Who it is NOT for?
The HR Online Bootcamp for Agriculture is not simply going to "make HR go away". If that's what you are looking for, this program isn't for you.

If you think paying the money and doing nothing will result in compliance and culture change, this program isn't for you.

But if you are ready to take stock, make positive change and put some energy and effort into your HR in a supported and compliant fashion, then is then the program is for you.
What is the commitment?
To get value from the program, you will need to commit 3-4 hours per week for 6 weeks. This is an approximate time of how long it will take you to watch the content recordings, review the templates and apply the content to your business.

That being said, the more you put in, the more you will get out. During the program, the help and support is available to you to have questions answered and it is up to you to access the help and use the support on offer.

Don't have the time? While this program is aimed to be completed by business owners, managers and administrators, we get that many have a lot on their plate! Our team are able to provide administrative support to do the "heavy lifting" and step you through the process at an additional cost. This will still require input from YOUR team as it is YOUR business! Touch base if you are interested in a quote for this additional service. 
When does it start?
Access to the program is immediate!!
And you will have access to the content for 12 months!

But don't delay, numbers are strictly limited so we can offer ample help to everyone....
Click on the + to reveal the answers
If you have previously worked with Bec as a consultant or through a training program, we would like to think you are on the right track. That being said, we are constantly working on new ideas and ways to ensure practical compliance. And sometimes our systems need a review and a reboot. We have also invested significantly in additional resources especially for the Bootcamp.
Absolutely! The Bootcamp is about getting your business up to speed, not just the individual who signs up for the program. Engage the whole team, show them the recordings. A "go to" person (or two) for each business is useful for the coaching component, the Facebook group and the live webinars, but the idea is to get the whole team on board! And remember, we are also running a separate webinar, especially for staff.
We are invested in the long-term upkeep and progress of your HR system and don't expect to be a flash in your pan. We will continue to support you in two ways after your round of the boot camp is complete:

1. Anyone who completes the Bootcamp will be added to a closed, private Facebook group. This will create what we call a "community of practice" where we can all share ideas about HR such as legal updates, tips, tools, new ideas. We will discuss challenges and what motivates each other. We'll share new findings, learnings,resources and be a voice of reason. How much is that worth?

2. We are pledging to conduct a free webinar for previous participants of the Bootcamp every 6 months to keep you updated. This will only be for Bootcamp participants. If there is nothing to update, we will use the time to motivate or discuss the focus areas for the regulators.

Everyone is time poor. This question is actually not about time, it's about priorities. If you are starting from scratch, yes, this program will require a few hours a week to be dedicated. If you are reviewing an existing system, it will be much quicker. Keep in mind that if you aren't finished when the Bootcamp ends, you won't miraculously loose access!

I do anticipate you will still have stuff to do at the end of the six-week delivery component of the Bootcamp. The coaching component may have come to an end, but access to support through the Facebook group as well as to the recording and templates will be ongoing. You may even choose to leave the "easy stuff" until after the program is over and fine tune the trickier stuff while you have access to the support.

We have designed the program in an efficient manner and cut out the crap so you don't need to troll through reems of files to find what you are looking for. It's there. Ready for you to customise and use. So, if you are time poor, this program may well be for you.

We have previously mentioned the additional admin support from the House Paddock team... that could be another option?

The program is designed to be self-paced, recorded for you to watch in your own time. The live Q&A webinars will be at a set time BUT they too will be recorded for you to watch. In addition, you will also have access to the portal for six months from the start of the program. At the end of that time, you can simply download whatever you want to continue to have access to.
The majority of HR provisions are harmonised nationally – this means it is the same across all states and territories. There are a few differences between states (such as long service for example) but these will be identified throughout the program. So... we welcome participants from all states!
Generally we will focus on agriculture throughout the program and the issues, concerns, risks and requirements of all farming business. We have a wealth of specific information for irrigated and dryland cropping and livestock and lots of info for the intense industries like horticulture, lot feeding etc.

We will also work with someone from a specific industry to meet your specific needs. The idea of the Bootcamp is to give YOU the tools to manipulate OUR content to meet YOUR business needs. This means that any industry will significantly benefit from our Bootcamp.

It doesn't matter how big your business is, you want to position yourself to attract and retain staff. Even if you only have one or two employees, and maybe some contractors or casuals on occasion, you really do need to make sure you have some basic systems in place to ensure you are meeting requirement.
Nope, it's not cheap. It's quality and it's peace of mind. It's 15 years of curating a package. It's one on one support. It's ongoing support. It's templates and efficiency.
It's incredible value to protect yourself, your team and your business... but cheap? Nah, not cheap.
We are happy to be known for value and the superior quality of our package.
Still not sure? See what others have had to say who have worked with us before!
"Learning about HR with House Paddock training was the most fun I have had in a course in years".
Bec Fing's presentation of this heavy subject was interesting and fun! Bec is exceptionally good at engaging with everyone and creating an program that is safe so that any question can be asked without judgement. This helps participants to create a clear understanding of the content and you leave the course feeling confident and ready to tackle the challenges that have been presented themselves to you in your business.

Bec understands farming and implements her programs and training to focus on rural businesses to ensure that each participant can obtain maximum knowledge and understanding from the course. I would absolutely recommend Bec Fing and the House Paddock Team when looking to undertake any training requirements.
"With Bec's help, we are moving from a team of champions, to a champion team - improving systems, planning, reporting, productivity and ultimately - our profitability".
Bec has helped our business improve our HR systems immensely. From policies and procedures to recruitment and establishing a great workplace culture, Bec knows her stuff. She is practical and to the point - she can relate to all members of our team. Bec first takes a big picture approach to ensure everyone is on the same page, and then drills down to the nitty gritty.
Why House Paddock Training and Consulting?
House Paddock Training and Consulting has been helping farmers for the last 15 years with Business Strategy, HR & WHS across the eastern seaboard.

Improving professionalism and establishing Aussie farms as employers of choice is at the top of our agenda and helping as many people as possible is our aim.

Rebecca Fing is the Founder and Managing Director of House Paddock based in Goondiwindi.

'Process and adoption over paperwork' and 'engagement from the outset' are two mantras Bec subscribes to when helping businesses, particularly with HR & WHS. She has formal qualifications in Agriculture, WHS and HR, as well as an active and established relationship with the relevant regulatory bodies for WHS and HR. This ensures that the advice Bec provides, while practical, is well founded, credible and relevant.

$2970 inc gst 
Specialised for Agriculture
6 weeks of information sessions
One on One coaching
HR templates
Live Q and A webinar (replays available)
Continual updates.
If you have any further questions or want to clarify details please email [email protected] or call Bec on 0427 107 234